
How Long Will It Take For My Website To Show In Google Search?

Picture of Tom Boulton

Tom Boulton


If you’re trying to start a new SEO website page, chances are you’ve thought about the rate that Google crawls and indexes your new pages.

No? That’s just us? Huh. Weird.

Either way, it’s an important thought to have. Many factors contribute to how long it takes Google to discover your new web pages and add them to its index. There are a few steps you can take, however, to speed up this process.

Today, we’ll be explaining in detail how long it really takes Google to crawl and index your site, and how you can speed up this process to see your website rankings improve. Buckle in for a short but sweet journey to Google Index Domination!

Don’t be a Ron Swanson – follow our guide instead.

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How long does indexing take?

After publishing a new site, Google’s bots crawl your pages and add them to their index. Crawling, however, often requires several passes, so it could take anywhere from a few days to a few months for all of your site’s pages to appear in search results.

There are a lot of factors, such as page size and how much of your content Google has seen before, which contribute to how long this can take. Most sites are indexed within four days; however, if Google sees duplicates or previously crawled content on a new site, it might crawl more slowly.

As a result, it will take approximately 2-3 weeks for your website to be uploaded entirely into Google’s Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

For around six months after uploading, updates will still be happening across any individual pages but not necessarily whole websites, as changes made by owners may not instantly update throughout every page in a website.

Link building is an integral part of SEO, and link building has proved beneficial over time. However, due to excessive link-building techniques being adopted, Google now has new guidelines for acquiring backlinks through guest posting and article promotion.

What impacts indexing speed?

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The following factors can impact the speed in which Google indexes your pages:

1. Length of time since your last update

The longer Google has gone without crawling your website, the longer it will take to find and index your new content.  This is particularly important if you’ve migrated your site or changed domain names. In these cases, you’ll need to submit a sitemap and wait for Google to re-crawl your site before you see new pages in search results.

2. Length of time since your site was launched

Just like the leaky sink that you’ve been swearing you’ll fix, it takes time for search engines to discover new pages and content on your website, especially if you’ve just started out.

How long has your site been live? 10 years? Count your blessings! The longer your site has been live and available online, typically, the quicker it will be indexed.

This is particularly true if you have high-quality content that attracts links or social shares – these signals tell search engines like Google that you’re adding value and thus worth crawling more often.

3. Number of new pages on your site

Suppose you’ve just launched a significant update or overhaul. In that case, it can take time for search engines to index all of your content- particularly if you have hundreds or thousands of pages (think Wikipedia). In these cases, an easy hack is to use dynamic URLs, so that new content is discoverable by search engines right away and then regularly submit sitemaps so they can keep track of your most recent updates.

4. Number of internal and external links on your site

The more incoming outgoing links you have from quality sites, the more often Google will crawl your website and discover new pages – even if they’re deep within your site structure.

5. Top level domain (TLD)

According to a Moz study, search engines typically take up to three days longer to index pages hosted on a TLD with a large number of websites (such as .org or .us) than they do when crawling sites with fewer websites hosted on them (such as .com).

How often does Google crawl websites?

Google’s algorithms continuously crawl and index websites. The frequency of crawling and indexing can change based on website traffic. If you want your website to be found by search engines, you must create a high-quality site that users will return to frequently.

And if you want search engines to find your content quickly, make sure that you regularly publish new articles. If a web admin knows when they have made changes to their site, they can contact Google directly so that their content gets added or updated in Google’s search index faster.


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